English below!久しぶりのワールドクッキングツアー開催?今年のお月見は9/10(土)というわけで、一日遅れですが9/11(日)16:30からクッキングインスタライブを行います✨お月見団子? と、団子によく合うみたらしソースを作って、日本の秋をお祝いしましょう?日本語ネイティブMegumiと英語ネイティブJohnnyの二人で、日英バイリンガルスタイルで行うので、自然な英語を学びたい方にもおすすめです♪ One of the popular Japanese customs, otsukimi (Tsuki = Moon, Mi = Viewing in Japanese) is coming soon! This time, we will make rice dumplings which are called tsukimi-dango and represents the…

I has been working on building up this online course with Linsdey since last January, finally it showed up on Udemy! Here is the link of the course. This fun and simple course is taught by Lindsey…

Now it the time to do yoga outside! ?♥️This class will be a gentle yoga practice, which is good to boost your energy, relieve your tension from your body and mind. If you are a…

Hi, guys! It’s been a while from last post. I’m doing great and working hard as well. 🙂 In Japan, it’s in rainy season right now. Past one week, almost it was raining every day.…

Hi, it’s been a while! I’ve been doing great, working hard, so I really enjoy new challenges I had. The biggest news I have is crossing 1K subscribers for my YouTube channel. :)♡ Megumi Yoga…

I have a rule about the relationships. That is expressing gratitude, not complains. One movie gave me a chance to think about it, which movie is “Impossible” (2012). Here is the overall. One family spent…

I’m taking a teacher training of Yin Yoga, it was started from this month. I was supposed to join this training in Bali this December but it was canceled due to the Covid. But the…

Hi! I’m Megumi. How are you doing today? Somehow I’ve been busy as always but also I have much more free time than usual. So I can enjoy reading a book, writing something and watching…

We posted a new yoga video in English the other day! “Morning relaxing flow yoga – Boost your energy & Release your tension | For All Levels | in English” Here I shared with you…

Flatto日本橋にて不定期開催✨“Saturday English Yoga!!!” 2/15 Sat. 4:15-5:15pm @ Flatto Nihonbashi A breakdown of the event :4:00 pm Open the studio.4:15-5:15 pm Do yoga in EnglishIt will end by 5:30 pm. Joining fee : 1000yenHow to join…